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Urdu Festival Nawa-e-Urdu – 10-11-2023
हमीदिया गर्ल्स डिग्री कॉलेज के उर्दू विभाग के बज़्म-ए-अदब द्वारा आज दिनांक 10/11/2023 को मीर तक़ी मीर को समर्पित सात दिवसीय उर्दू महोत्सव नवा-ए- उर्दू का उद्घाटन समारोह महाविद्यालय के बेगम खुर्शीद ख्वाजा हाल में मनाया गया । कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ ईश्वर को याद करते हुए क़ेरत से किया गया। जिसे अरबी प्रथम सेमेस्टर की […]
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ALAMI YAUM-E-URDU, 09/11/23 Organized by Bazm-e-Adab, Dept. of Urdu, HGDC
Alami Yaum-e-Urdu was celebrated on 9/11/2023 by Bazm-e-Adab, Dept. of Urdu, Hamidia Girls’ Degree College in Begum Khurshid Khwaja Hall of the college. The program started with the recitation of Hamd presented by Miss Tahira Aman, student of M.A. Urdu, Sem-III. The guests were welcomed and presented green plants. Prof. Naseha Usmani, Principal, HGDC welcomed […]
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Special Lecture organized on 8.11.2023
The Dept of English organized a special Lecture on Critical Analysis of T.S. Eliot’s “Wasteland “. The Chief Speaker was Prof Sonjoy Dutta Roy ,Former Head ,Dept of English & Dean , Faculty of Arts ,UoA. While presenting an analysis of T.S. Eliot’s “Wasteland”, Professor Roy talked about his theory of Impersonality and he said […]
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