Resourced Persons

REPORT 7th Day 13.9.2020
On day 7 (sept,13,2020) of one week faculty Development programme on the topic ‘Tools for sustaining Academics Research During pandemic Covid-19. Mr. Anjesh Kumar, Administrative Officer, G.B. Pant, social science Institute, Allahabad was the resource person of the session. He provided useful informative regarding statistical data analysis, SPSS and EXCEL. He explained difference between data and informative, Quantitative and Qualitative data, primary and secondary data. He clarified how to convert Qualitative data into Quantitative data. He also gave practical knowledge related to survey, questionnaire, variable view, Coding nominal ordinal and scale etc. Earlier, Principal of the college introduced the resource person.
After the completion of technical session valedictory session started with welcome address delivered by the Principal, Dr. Yusufa Nafees. Dr. Rehana Tariq, Director vocational Courses, member managing committee and Former Principal of the College. Congratulated the efforts of organisers for such an useful FDP. She emphasized that there should be connectively among all the libraries so that users may get benefitted. Dr. Akhtar parvez, Union Librarian, Maulana Azad National, Urdu University Hyderabad, the Chief Guest of the programme appreciated College for organising such an useful FDP which covered a lot of things. He emphasized that we should develop Libraries to reach out our users. The programme was conducted by Mrs. Kashish Fatima, Librarian, HGDC.
हमीदिया गर्ल्स डिग्री कॉलेज प्रयागराज, उत्तर प्रदेश के कॉलेज लाइब्रेरी और आइक्यूएसी के सहयोग से साप्ताहिक (7 सितंबर से 13 सितंबर 2020 )संकाय विकास कार्यक्रम “डिजिटल टूल्स फॉर सस्टेनिंग एकेडमिक रिसर्च ड्यूरिंग पैंडेमिक कोविड-19″ आयोजित किया गया, कार्यक्रम के सातवें दिन प्रथम सत्र के विषय विशेषज्ञ श्री अंजेश कुमार प्रशासनिक अधिकारी, गोविंद वल्लभ पंत समाज विज्ञान संस्थान, प्रयागराज ने विषय स्टैटिकल डाटा एनालिसिस: टेक्निकस एंड टूल्स (एसपीएसएस एंड माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेल) पर अपना व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत किया उन्होंने अपने व्याख्यान में एस पी एस एस के प्रारंभिक प्रयोग पर विस्तार से प्रकाश डाला आंकड़ों और सूचनाओं में अंतर गुणात्मक एवं मात्रात्मक आंकड़ों की पहचान, प्रश्नावली के निर्माण, एक्सेल पर आंकड़ों को भरना और एस पी एस एस की सहायता से चार्ट एवं ग्राफ के रूप में आंकड़ों के प्रदर्शन का व्यावहारिक ज्ञान दिया। कार्यक्रम के द्वितीय सत्र में समापन समारोह आयोजित किया गया जिसकी विशेष अतिथि हमीदिया गर्ल्स डिग्री कॉलेज प्रयागराज की पूर्व प्राचार्या एवं वर्तमान में बी.वोक और एम.वोक विभाग की डायरेक्टर और सदस्य मैनेजिंग कमेटी डॉ रेहाना तारिक़ ने हमीदिया कॉलेज की लाइब्रेरी की सफलता पर खुशी जाहिर की और कहा कि लाईब्रेरी की प्रतिष्ठा इतनी ऊचाई पर पहुँच गई है कि उस पर महाविद्यालय में वेबिनार किया जा रहा है। लाइब्रेरियन को सबसे पहले एक अच्छा इंसान होना जरूरी है , और अपने सुझाव में कहा कि भविष्य में कॉलेज की लाइब्रेरी को जैसे इलाहाबाद यूनिवर्सिटी की लाइब्रेरी, मौलाना आजाद यूनिवर्सिटी की लाइब्रेरी या हिंदुस्तान के कई अन्य विश्वविद्यालयों के पुस्तकालयों से आपस में एक दूसरे से जुड़ने की जरूरत है , जिससे लेखन सामग्रियों का आदान-प्रदान किया जा सके और ऑनलाइन अध्ययन किया जा सके ।
मौलाना आजाद उर्दू यूनिवर्सिटी, हैदराबाद के लाइब्रेरियन डॉ अख्तर परवेज ने संकाय विकास कार्यक्रम की सफलता पर हमीदिया कॉलेज को बधाई देते हुए कहा कि वर्तमान समय में लाइब्रेरी कोई आना नहीं चाहता जबकि अध्यापकों और छात्रों के लिए लाइब्रेरी सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है, लाइब्रेरी की समस्याओं पर चर्चा करते हुए कहा कि यदि कॉपीराइट एक्ट और आई.पी.आर. का अनुसरण करें तो संस्था और देश दोनों की छवि को अच्छी बना सकते हैं। श्री अंजेश कुमार ,प्रशासनिक अधिकारी, गोविंद बल्लभ पंत समाज विज्ञान संस्थान ,प्रयागराज ने कई मुश्किलों के बाद भी संकाय विकास कार्यक्रम की सफलता पर बधाई दी। कॉलेज की प्राचार्या डॉ यूसूफा नफीस ने विषय विशेषज्ञ एवं विशेष अतिथियों का स्वागत किया और परिचय प्रस्तुत किया। कॉलेज लाइब्रेरियन श्रीमती कशिश ने कार्यक्रम का संचालन एवं धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया।
REPORT 6th Day 12.9.2020
On Day 6 ( 12 September 2020 )of One Week Faculty Development Programme on the topic ‘Digital Tools for Sustaining Academic Research during Pandemic COVID-19’,Dr. Akhtar Parvez, University Librarian, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad wa the resource person. He presented his presentation on the topic Predatory Publishing, Digital Strategies for locating a right journal to publish the research work. He said that Predatory Journals take advantage of authors by asking them to publish for a fee without providing peer-review or editing services. Because predatory publishers do not follow the proper academic standards for publishing, they usually offer a quick turnaround on publishing a manuscript. In contrast, high quality academic journals take longer to publish articles because they go through a proper peer review and copy editing process. He further said that the goal of Open Access publishing is to disseminate research to a larger audience by removing paywalls. He said that choosing a right journals ensures that the study reaches the target audience.
Earlier Principal of the College, Dr.Yusufa Nafees introduce the speaker. Mrs Kashish Fatima, Librarian of the College welcomed the speaker of the technical session. Dr.Shabnam Ara, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, HGDC conducted question-answer session.Vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs Kashish Fatima, Librarian , HGDC.
REPORT 5th Day 11.9.2020
On day 5 (11th September 2020) of One Week Development Program On Digital Tools For Sustaining Academic Research During Pandemic Covid19 Dr. Nishat Fatima, Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh presented her lecture on referencing. She provided useful information regarding the importance of referencing and how it helps to give higher recognition for work and validating arguments. She also highlighted the scope of referencing. She further explained different styles of referencing such as APA style, MLA style, Chicago style and others. She talked about reference management searching and organising references. She also emphasized simple strategies to overcome plagiarism.
Mr Shakeel Ahmed, Librarian and Liason Librarian, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was the other speaker of the session. He spoke on Mendeley and explained why we use mendeley. It saves time of focus on research and change sequence automatically. He also compared Endnote, Mendeley and Zotero. He also highlighted on Google Scholar. Earlier, Principal of the college Dr Yusufa Nafees introduced the resource person and Mrs. Kashish Fatima, Librarian, Hamidia Girls Degree College conducted the program and proposed the vote of thanks.
REPORT 4th Day 10.9.2020
On Day 4 (10 Sept.2020 )of One Week Faculty Development Programme on the topic ‘Digital Tools for Sustaining Academic Research during Pandemic COVID-19’, Dr. B. K. Singh, Librarian, Central Library ,University of Allahabad, was the resource person. He presented his lecture on Topic- Plagiarism Detection and Copyright Infringement, Digital Tools for Plagiarism Detection. He said that Plagiarism is a common problem that is often the result of a lack of knowledge and skills.He said that many people think plagiarism is stealing someone else’s words, but it also means stealing someone else’s ideas. In other words, even if you paraphrase a text, the idea still needs to be cited.The phrase “without crediting the source” means that it’s okay to use the words and ideas of others, but you have to cite the source to avoid committing plagiarism. He explained that Plagiarism takes various forms. It ranges from reusing an entire document to rewriting a single paragraph. In the end, all types of plagiarism come down to passing off someone else’s ideas or words as your own. Dr. B.K. Singh further said that to avoid plagiarism, simply follow these two steps:1-Quote, paraphrase or summarize the words or ideas from someone else.2- Give credit to the original source by including a citation in the text and the reference list. He gave example of various plagiarism detection tool.He also discussed about copyright and copyright infringement and it’s legal aspects in detail.He provided useful information regarding objects, Rules, laws and duration of Intellectual property rights.He further highlighted on Indian Copyright Act in Digital age. He gave reference of various digital tools to check plagiarism.
Earlier, Dr. Yusufa Nafees, Principal, HGDC welcomed and introduced the resource person. Dr. Shabnam Ara, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, HGDC conducted questions answer session. Mrs. Kashish Fatima, Librarian HGDC proposed vote of thanks.
He provided useful information regarding objects, Rules and laws and duration of Intellectual property rights.He further highlighted on Indian Copyright Act in Digital age.He also explained characteristic features of Plagiarism,types and reasons of plagiarism He also pointed out some tips for avoiding plagiarism. He also explained citation system and citation style.
REPORT 3rd Day 9.9.2020
On Day 3 (9 Sept. 08, 2020 )of One Week Faculty Development Programme on the topic ‘Digital Tools for Sustaining Academic Research during Pandemic COVID-19’,Dr. Rumman Gul, Librarian/Knowledge Management Specialist, Government Degree College Tangmarg was the chief speaker. He presented his Presentation on the Topic-Digital Information Resources with special reference to Open Educational Resources. He provided useful knowledge regarding Concept, Types, character, advantages and disadvantages of Digital Information Resources.He highlighted Digital Information literacy.and knowledge management system. He also explained open access resources and self designed on line platform
Earlier Mrs.Kashish Fatima , Librarian ,HGDC welcomed the chief speaker. Mrs. Neeraj Verma, Associate Professor, Department of English, HGDC introduced the speaker. Dr. Erum F. Usmani, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, HGDC conducted questions answer session. Mrs. Kashish Fatima, Librarian HGDC proposed vote of thanks.

REPORT 2nd Day 8.9.2020
On Day 2 (Sept. 08, 2020 )of One Week Faculty Development Programme on the topic ‘Digital Tools for Sustaining Academic Research during Pandemic COVID-19’, Dr. Habibur Rahman Khan, Assistant Librarian, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi was the chief speaker. He presented his Presentation on the Topic- ‘Subscription based Digital Information Resources’. He said that subscription databases consist of published journals, magazines, reports, documents, newspapers, books, image collections, and more. Most of these databases are available via the Internet, and a few are available within the library on DVD or CD-ROM. Libraries subscribe and provide access to these resources for their patrons. Subscription databases are not freely available to the public.
He illustrated various databases which provide easy access to many scholarly, technical, and professional journals, spanning all disciplines.He explained that When we search for articles in a subscription database, articles that appear in full-text may also appear in printed format. Resources in subscription databases are easily identifiable by their citation information
He further said that Internet sources include web sites of businesses, organizations, government agencies, universities and individuals.Most web sites are publicly accessible for free. Access to copyrighted information, however, may still be limited or available via subscription only. Many sites also provide access to quality information; while many sites contain misleading or false information. He provided useful information regarding subscription of journals by the library and rules related to it. He further highlighted it’s different aspects such as coverage, licensing, acquisition, administration and management, evaluation and renewal.
Earlier Principal of the College, Dr.Yusufa Nafees introduce the speaker. Mrs Kashish Fatima, Librarian of the College welcomed the speaker of the technical session. Dr.Shabnam Ara, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, HGDC conducted question-answer session.Vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs Kashish Fatima, Librarian , HGDC.
REPORT 1st Day 7.9.2020
Hamidia Girls’ Degree College Constituent Minority PG College, University of Allahabad, in collaboration with IQAC of the college organised One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on the topic ‘Digital Tools for Sustaining Academic Research During Pandemic COVID 19’ from Sep 6 2020 to Sep 12 2020.
Prof. Prashant Agarwal, Dean College Development, University of Allahabad, guest of honor inaugurated the session. Dr.B.K. Singh, Librarian ,Central Library, University of Allahabad was the special guest on this occasion. Programme started with Hamd recited by Namra Moid, student of BA III year. Mrs Tazeen Ahsanulla, Manager grace the occasion by her blessings.
Prof. Prashant Agarwal said thatResearch is what propels humanity forward. It’s fueled by curiosity: we get curious, ask questions, and immerse ourselves in discovering everything there is to know. Learning is thriving. Without curiosity and research, progress would slow to a halt, and our lives as we know them would be completely different.He said that Curiosity leads to research.
Prof. B.K.Singh said that Research has greatly evolved due to increasing amount of data involved and the advancement in technology. Therefore, libraries role to support research across all disciplines has to increase in order to match the increasing needs of these researchers while also facilitating open access so that the research output can be widely disseminated. As a result, the librarian or information professional is faced with tremendous responsibilities in the ever changing technological age, he/she must strive to go with the changing time by constantly introducing new products, taking on new services and engaging on new activities, taking advantage of technology and its benefits that will assist researchers in creating quality research so it can gain recognition and visibility.
Dr. Nabi Hasan, Librarian & Head, Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi delivered the keynote address on the topic – Tools for Maximising Academic Visibility.He said that the ways scholars search for, find, store, retrieve, evaluate, and even read academic research have changed dramatically over the last decade and are likely to evolve more quickly in the future as new technologies and apps emerge. He discuss various tools for increasing academic visibility in detail.He provided useful and relevant information regarding knowledge generating cycle, Indi Indian research information network system, publish or perish, ranking tools, citation analysis, H-Index, impact factor, faculty profiling system and remote access to e resources etc
Earlier the welcome address was delivered by Dr Yusufa Nafees, Principal of the College.Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr.Sabiha Azmi, Co-ordinator IQAC,HGDC. Mrs.Kashish Fatima, Librarian, HGDC conducted the program.